Updated wiki about drafts/specs

I added:


to list the drafts and specifications we have/will have.

I added my take on what is the "FPWD" process etc. as that can be
overwhelming jargon for many, specially outsiders. W3C staff might
want to edit the wiki page to correct me where I am wrong:

Editor's drafts are maintained in the web-annotation Github repository
- where anyone can submit a pull request or raise an issue for any
edits/suggestions. An Editor's Draft can be considered the
"live"/"trunk"/"master" branch of a documentation, and is
created/maintained/controlled by its listed editors, as agreed by the
Working Group (WG).

Documents can then progress to be formally published by W3C at
different stages according to the charter for the Annotation Working

ED: Editor's Draft - Latest edit of the document - subject to change
at any time. Similar to a nightly build.
FPWD: First Public Working Draft - first draft that is in a state to
be formally reviewed by WG. Similar to a milestone release.
WD: Working Draft - zero or more updated working drafts, fleshing out
all the details, but not yet complete. Similar to a milestone release.
LC: Last Call Working Draft - the WG consider it to be
feature-complete, last call for fundamental changes.
Implementers/outsiders invited to review and give feedback. Similar to
a alpha release.
CR: Candidate Recommendation - the WG consider it to be finished,
implementers/outsiders can still give feedback. Similar to a beta
PR: Proposed Recommendation - the WG has addressed all feedback. Only
fixing breaking issues and editorial changes allowed. Similar to a
release candidate.
Rec: Recommendation the specification is final and released.
Implementations can rely on no further changes.
Erreta (post-publication corrections, e.g. typos in examples)

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester
http://soiland-reyes.com/stian/work/ http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2014 23:51:55 UTC