
Hi there!

I'm a librarian who manages an alternate format centre for 20 
post-secondary institutions in Vancouver, BC (Canada). We produce 
accessible PDF, electronic text, mp3s, DAISY and the occasional epub. My 
background is mostly in open source library software.

As a side project I got involved with the BC Open Textbook project to 
work with students with print disabilities to test some of the existing 
textbooks for accessibility. We got some extra funding and will be doing 
another round of user testing with trades students with learning 
disabilities and trades materials. We wrote our own open textbook on 
accessibility best practices for the open textbook project: This toolkit adapts on the 
user personas that Sarah Horton (hi Sarah!) and Whitney Queensbury 
published in their book A Web For Everyone. It's exciting to be working 
with people at the content creation stage and trying to make things 
accessible from the start, instead remediating something that's not 
accessible for all students. I've been learning a bunch about universal 
design and accessible math.

I look forward to learning from and working with you all.


*Tara Robertson*
Accessibility Librarian, _CAPER-BC_ <>
T  604.323.5254
F  604.323.5954_
Langara. <>
*100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 2Z6*

Received on Saturday, 2 May 2015 22:30:28 UTC