Workshop feedback

Thank you for being part of the workshop on permissions and user 
consent.  Please take a moment to offer your thoughts on the workshop:

Additionally, if you have notes from the workshop, please consider 
sharing those.

For those who can't use google forms, here are the questions in text form:

What were some of your favorite things about this event?

What are your three main take-aways from the discussions?

What followup would you like to see from this workshop?  What would make 
the experience more valuable?

Logistics, communication, etc.: what worked well? What should we not change?

How could we improve?

Other thoughts?  (Answer the question you wish we had asked!)

If you would like, you may provide your name or some other demographic 
designator to help us place your feedback in more context.  (e.g. "I'm 
from academia")

Do you have notes you're willing to share?  If so, please email them to 
the program committee at or to Sam at

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2018 14:25:23 UTC