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Re: Draft Reply to ISO application for SDO membership of the PSO

Looks okay.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Androuchko, Vladimir" <vladimir.androuchko@itu.int>
To: "pso-pc, ITU (MLIST)" <pso-pc@ties.itu.int>
Cc: "'Amy van der Hiel'" <amy@W3.ORG>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 4:42 PM
Subject: Draft Reply to ISO application for SDO membership of the PSO

> Dear Protocol Council Members,
> Please find below for your consideration and comments
> the draft reply to ISO application.
> Have a good week-end,
> Best regards,
> Vlad
> *****************
> Dear Mr. Brannon,
> On behalf of the PSO Protocol Council I have to inform you on the
> PSO Protocol Council discussed ISO application for SDO membership of the
> Please find below the positions of different PSO signatories and the
> decision taken:
> ETSI Representatives fully supported ISO application and stated that they
> not see anything that may prevent ISO from joining PSO-PC.
> ETSI considers that ISO is fully qualified as an SDO in terms
> of existing MOU and ETSI is in favour of inclusion of ISO as a member of
> PSO.
> ITU-T Representatives welcomed ISO application. ITU also believes that ISO
> fulfills the necessary requirements.
> IETF Representatives opposed to the ISO application.
> IETF representatives referred to the Section 8 b (i) of MOU: "...In order
> for an organization to become a party to this MOU, all then-existing  MOU
> signatories must agree that such an organization qualifies as an SDO..."
> and further explained that as the PSO is evidently being wound up by the
> Board of ICANN, it would be
> unfair for ISO and PSO to admit ISO at this point in time.
> W3C Representative supported the position of IETF.
> As Protocol Council is a consensus-based body, and a consensus could not
> reached on this issue,
> the conclusion made is that ISO can not be admitted into PSO at this point
> in time.
> Protocol Council Members noted that if ISO wishes it may apply to ICANN
> under the terms of the MOU Section 8 (b) (ii), which says that:
> "...Rejected applicants may appeal to the ICANN Board, which may override
> such a rejection if the ICANN Board finds, by at least two-thirds vote,
> the organization meets the SDO criteria set forth above..."
> Sincerely yours,
> Vladimir Androuchko
> PSO-PC Secretary August 2001-August 2002