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FW: Message for Protocol Council: Evolution and Reform Committee Posts "ICANN: A Blueprint for Reform"

Dear Protocol Council Members,

Please find below the note from Mr. L. Touton 
concerning the ICANN Reform for your consideration.

Many thanks,
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Touton [mailto:touton@icann.org]
Sent: vendredi, 21. juin 2002 09:23
To: Vladimir Androuchko
Subject: Message for Protocol Council: Evolution and Reform Committee
Posts "ICANN: A Blueprint for Reform"


Would you please send the appended note to the Protocol Council? Thank


To: Protocol Council
Subject:  Evolution and Reform Committee Posts "ICANN: A Blueprint for

In preparation for the Bucharest meeting, the ICANN Evolution and Reform
Committee has posted a document entitled "ICANN: A Blueprint for Reform"
The document describes the committee's findings based on community input
and its recommendations.  Evolution and reform will be discussed at the
ICANN Public Forum in Bucharest on Thursday afternoon, 27 June 2002.

Louis Touton
ICANN Secretary