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Draft Minutes Conference Call of 10 April

Dear Protocol Council Members,

Please find for your consideration Minutes of the conference call of 10 April.
Thank you for your comments.
Best regards,

 <<PSO-Minutes 10April.2002.txt>> 


		ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO)	
			April 10, 2002 Teleconference

	Reported by: Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001

   Geoff Huston / IETF Representative
   Martin Duerst / W3C Representative
   Richard Hill / ITU Representative
   Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative
   Mike StJohn / IETF Representative      
   Tapio Kaijanen / ETSI Representative
   Brian Moore / ITU Representative
   Daniel Weitzner/ W3C Representative


  1. Protocol Council Members welcomed Mike, the new representative of the IETF, 
  who replaced Leslie.

  2. Protocol Council Members discussed the retirement of Mr. Phil Davidson from the ICANN
  Board. It was decided to stay with the aim of filling this vacancy for September, when
  the election to the ICANN Board will take place, unless Mr. Stuart Lynn, ICANN CEO would 
  advise differently. 
  3. After a thoughtful consideration, Protocol Council Members reconfirmed the procedures 
  for the nomination to the ICANN Board, as it was stated in the Minutes of 14 March 2002
  under the point 4. It was decided that when sending out the Call for Nominations
  from the SDOs and the public at-large to the ICANN Board, PSO PC will ask people to 
  send their CVs and then Protocol Council can follow up with the request to ask them to 
  complete the questionnaire. 
  4. ISO application for SDO membership of the PSO was carefully considered by the 
  Protocol Council.
  The PSO PC welcomes ISO application for membership within the PSO and
  would like to address the following points to this application:

     1.- Missing in ISO application was some important information regarding
     the fulfillment of criteria 8 (a) (ii) of the PSO MoU. PSO PC kindly asks ISO to
     submit the required details.

     2.- Considering the ongoing discussions taking place within ICANN about its
     own structure and the ones of the present Supporting Organizations, the PSO
     PC is in favour of postponing any decision about new membership into the
     PSO until further clarification emerges from the ongoing discussions.
  5. The secretary was tasked to write to Mr. Helmut Schink, ICANN Board Member selected by PSO
  in order ask him to provide a concise report on the ICANN last meeting for the next 
  conference call of the PSO-PC.

  6. The secretary was tasked to start preparing and putting the information concerning the
  the PSO General Assembly on the PSO website.
  The draft Agenda for the PSO General Assembly adopted during the previous conference call 
  was reconfirmed. 
  Azucena confirmed that she will be the ETSI Representative speaker during the GA for
  the Introduction of activities of the PSO signatories.
  Martin proposed to send somebody from the W3C European Team to make a presentation of
  the Introduction of activities of the PSO signatories. The person will be determined as soon
  as possible.
  The IETF will nominate their representatives for the GA as soon as possible.
  An invited presentation from the ITU-T will be given on ENUM by Richard.  
  The secretary was tasked to invite Mr. Stuart Lynn to make an Update on ICANN structure 
  and developments. 

  7. Richard made an announcement that ITU-T is working on the proposal for the ICANN Reform
  and in short time will circulate this document among PSO PC and send it to ICANN. 
  8. The next PSO-PC conference call was scheduled for Friday, 31st May 2002, 
  13h00 GMT (15h00 CET).