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Revised Minutes of the 14 March Teleconference

Dear Protocol Council Members,

Please find attached for your consideration the revised minutes of the last
conference call (point 6).
Best regards,
 <<PSO-Minutes 14March.2002.txt>> 

		ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO)	
			March 14, 2002 Teleconference

	Reported by: Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001

   Geoff Huston / IETF Representative
   Martin Duerst / W3C Representative
   Richard Hill / ITU Representative
   Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative
   Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative      
   Tapio Kaijanen / ETSI Representative
   Brian Moore / ITU Representative
   Daniel Weitzner/ W3C Representative


  1. Protocol Council Members welcomed Geoff, the new representative of the IETF, 
  who replaced Steven.
  2. Protocol Council Members analyzed the possible dates for the next
  Protocol Supporting Organization General Assembly and possible procedures.
  Brian reconfirmed the proposal to hold it in association with the ITU-T 
  Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Meeting, which will take place in June 2002,
  from 17.06.02 to 21.06.02 inclusive, in the ITU Headquarters, Geneva.
  Brian proposed the 19th of June 2002. 

  The General Assembly could start from 16h00 CET and go until 18 or 19h00.
  Brian suggested the following draft Agenda for the General Assembly:

      1. Opening (Brian)
      2. Introduction of activities of the PSO signatories
      2.1. ITU-T (To be determined)
      2.2. IETF  (To be determined)
      2.3. ETSI (To be determined)
      2.4. W3C (To be determined)
      3. PSO PC Status Report (Vlad)
      4. Invited Presentations
      4.1. Multilingual Internet Names (ITU-T)
      4.2. Update on ICANN structure and developments (Vlad to invite Stuart Lynn)
      4.3. Others? (Proposals to Vlad)
      5. Open discussions
      6. Close.

 Protocol Council Members endorsed this draft Agenda. Speakers will be identified
 Protocol Council Members will further discuss the topics for the invited presentations.
 The draft Agenda with all other details will be posted on the PSO website later on.
 PSO secretary was tasked to draft the Status Report for GA and will circulate it for 
 comments among Protocol Council Members.
 Martin asked about the possibility for the representatives of W3C to partcipate in the ITU-T TSAG Meeting.
 Brian explained that TSAG Meeting will have different Working Parties, and ITU-T has the possibility to
 offer an observer status, and proposed to the Protocol Council Members, interested in the activities of 
 TSAG to send an e-mail to the ITU-T representatives. 
  More detailed information on the TSAG Meetings is available at:


  3. The discussion on the handover of the PSO-PC Secretariat continued.
  Martin asked to be provided with the information on the logistics and proceedures for the 
  handover of the PSO-PC Secretariat. PSO secretary will provide Martin with the necessary 
  information and the details will be worked off-line.
  It was agreed in principle that the transfere of the PSO Secretariat functions will go to W3C. 

  4. Protocol Council discussed the procedures for the nomination to the ICANN Board. 
  ETSI will propose its candidate to the ICANN Board for the upcoming term.
  Procedure for the Appointment of ICANN Board member:

    - June 1st 2002, Open the Call for Nominations from the SDOs and the public
    at-large to the ICANN Board (for the term begining October 1st 2002)
    - July 15th 2002, Closing date for nominations (to be forwarded to the PSO
    - by September 16th 2002, PSO-PC to notify the ICANN Board of its
    - October 1st 2002, Begining of the term of the new ICANN Director

  When the call for nominations is opened the candidates
  shall be requested to provide their CVs to the PSO Council. The set of
  criteria which will be used by the PSO Council for evaluating the
  candidates' strengths (as used last year) is in Annex A below. 

  5. ICANN Reform was thoughtfully considered. ETSI submitted its proposal, which was discussed.
  The consensus on the issue of the ICANN Reform was not found. It was agreed that each PSO 
  signatory organization will send it's own statement if any. 
  Also, as a matter of courtesy, each organization sending out its own statement/proposal will
  circulate it's paper among other PSO-PC Members. 

  6. It was agreed the Geoff would draft an initial paper for discussion regarding the 
  ICANN board request for technical guidance on the number of TLDs.

  7. The next PSO-PC conference call was scheduled for the 10th of April 2002, 
  12h30 GMT (14h30 CET).

ANNEX A: Criteria for evaluating candidates CVs and analysing their

  0. Background
  a. Internet technologies
  b. International standards or other international
     development bodies
  c. Other corporate Board of Directors
  d. Government bodies (local/international)

 1. Internet culture
  a. Vision - ICANN & Internet
  b. Develop appropriate partnerships with wide variety of
   b1. Experience with wide variety of organizations
   b2. Adaptable, in the light of ICANN's evolving role
       (demonstrated breadth of experience)

 2. Accountability - to Internet community and Society at large
  a. Public accountability/openess (e.g. Board experience)
  b. Legacy regulations (understanding/appreciate/awareness of
     differences between and across countries)
  c. Internationalisation (experience/demonstrated awareness)

 3. ICANN as organisation
  a. Business model - experience with business/financial plans
     (theory and practice)

 4. Other relevant technologies
  a. Experience with telecom
  b. Experience with convergence between IP world and
     traditional telecom world

 5. Complementarity (extent to which candidates' background/skills
    complements the other two PSO-appointed ICANN Board Members).
