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FW: Replacement on PSO council

Dear Protocol Council Members,
Please find below the message of Philipp.
Best regaqrds,

-----Original Message-----
From: Philipp Hoschka [mailto:hoschka@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 11:54 AM
To: Androuchko, Vladimir; pso-pc, ITU (MLIST); duerst@w3.org
Subject: Replacement on PSO council

Vladimir, all,

since my responsibilities at W3C have changed
I have decided to step down as PSO representative.

W3C has nominated Prof. Martin Duerst as my 
replacement. Martin has worked on the 
internationalisation of domain names. You can find
his vita at

Please join me in welcoming him to the PSO !


-Philipp Hoschka

(Vlad: this e-mail message may bounce, as I'm 
using my Yahoo account to send it - in this case, 
please forward it to the pso-pc list - thanks !)

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