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Re: ETSI "sentence" in the PSO-PC Alternative Roots Statement

Dear all

I fully agree with Azucena


----- Original Message -----
From: <azucena.hernandez@POP3.TELEFONICA.ES>
To: "Androuchko, Vladimir" <vladimir.androuchko@itu.int>
Cc: "pso-pc, ITU (MLIST)" <pso-pc@ties.itu.int>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: ETSI "sentence" in the PSO-PC Alternative Roots Statement

> Dear Vlad, dear PSO PC colleagues,
> Everything agreed in this final version except for the ETSI "sentence"
> should read:
> "ETSI supports the IETF statement and the ITU-T Study Group 2 statement.
> ETSI considers that the ITU-T Study Group 2 statement  is outside the
> of the PSO".
> Kind regards,
> Azucena
> At 15:19 10/10/01 +0200, Androuchko, Vladimir wrote:
> >Dear Protocol Council Members,
> >As far as I understood from your discussion, this would be the version of
> PSO-PC Statement to be send to Mr. S. Lynn. If everybody agrees on this
> version, I'll send this message.
> >Kind regards,
> >Vlad
> >
> >Dear Stuart,
> >On behalf of the Protocol Council, I'm sending you the Position of the
> >PSO-PC on the Alternative Roots Issue. It was agreed that each Protocol
> >Supporting Organization gives also its comments/statements concerning
> >the Alternative Roots Issue.
> >
> >The PSO Statement is:
> >
> >"The Internet DNS currently operates using a Single Authoritative Root
> >Server System. Although, it would be technically possible to devise and
> >standardize a fully compliant alternative multiple root server system,
> >there appears to be no technical reason for changing from the present
> >working system, as this would require the development of a new set of
> >protocols for use by the DNS."
> >
> >Additional IETF statement:
> >
> >"The Internet currently operates using a tree-structured name space
> >known as the DNS.  Of necessity, such a name space must have a single,
> >authoritative root. Moving to a model that would not require such a
> >single, authoritative root would require replacing the present, working
> >DNS with some other system. Such a replacement would require the
> >development of a new naming paradigm, as well as the protocols and
> >software to implement it. Developing and deploying such replacement
> >protocols would take years, and would have enormous potential for
> >disruption of the Internet.  IETF does not see any technical benefit
> >in such an effort."
> >
> >The ITU-T Study Group 2 conclusion on the Alternative Roots Issue,
> >which was reached during the ITU-T Study Group 2 meeting (Geneva, 4-14
> >September 2001) states:
> >
> >"Study Group 2 has noted the PSO statement and has no objections to it.
> >However, Study Group 2 notes that there may be other issues in
> >addition to technical reasons such as administrative and national
> >sovereignty considerations."
> >
> >ETSI supported the ITU-T Study Group 2 Statement and the IETF Statement.
> >W3C supported IETF Statement.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> *************************************************
> Azucena Hernandez
> Telefonica
> Desarrollo de Red
> c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID
> Tel: +34 91 5846842
> Fax: +34 91 5846843
> GSM: +34 609 425506
> E-Mail: azucena.hernandez@telefonica.es
> ************************************************