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Re: my reconsideration request

For your information.
Best regards,
>Return-Path: <froomkin@law.miami.edu>
>Sender: froomkin@law.miami.edu
>Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 09:58:24 +1000
>From: Michael Froomkin <froomkin@law.miami.edu>
>X-Accept-Language: en,pdf
>To: Jonathan Weinberg <weinberg@mail.msen.com>
>CC: hans@icann.org, Amadeu@nominalia.com, ken.fockler@sympatico.ca,
>        mkatoh@mkatoh.net, apisan@servidor.unam.mx, touton@icann.org,
>        lynn@icann.org, azucena.hernandez@pop3.telefonica.es,
>        leslie@thinkingcat.com
>Subject: Re: my reconsideration request
>References: <>
>I'm in Australia and have very limited email, which is why Jon couldn't
>reach me to  check on this before sending it.   But I fully agree with
>Jonathan Weinberg wrote:
>> Hans, Amadeu, Ken, Katoh-san, Alejandro, and Louis:
>>         This is meant as a personal message, not as part of the official
>> reconsideration file; I'm speaking for myself alone.  Michael Froomkin and
>> I filed a reconsideration request yesterday, asking that ICP-3 (Stuart
>> Lynn's paper on "A Unique, Authoritative Root for the DNS") be withdrawn
>> from the ICP series, because it announces new policies that weren't
>> developed through bottom-up process.  A colleague let me know this morning
>> that the PSO is currently developing a communication paper on alternate
>> roots.  Leslie Daigle has forwarded RFC 2826 to W3C, ETSI, and ITU; it will
>> be considered within ITU by ITU Study Group 2, and within ETSI by its
>> Technical Bodies SPAN and TIPHON.  I gather that the PSO Council plans to
>> prepare a common position on "Protocol aspects related to the Alternative
>> Root issue", to be sent to the Board for consideration in Montevideo.
>>         This, it seems to me, is exactly how the process should work.
Once the
>> Board receives the PSO's paper, it can refer it to the DNSO for its input;
>> then, after fair public comment, it will be in a position to adopt the
>> document (with any appropriate changes) as its own.  The resulting
>> document, I expect, will resemble Stuart's paper in some respects and
>> differ in others.  Everybody wins if ICP-3 is withdrawn from the ICP series
>> so that it can be replaced by a document that is the product of a bona fide
>> consensus process.
>> Jon
>> Jonathan Weinberg
>> weinberg@msen.com
>A. Michael Froomkin   |    Professor of Law    |   froomkin@law.tm
>U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
>+1 (305) 284-4285  |  +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)  |  http://www.law.tm
>                -->   It's hot there.   I'm elsewhere.   <--
Azucena Hernandez
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c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID
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E-Mail: azucena.hernandez@telefonica.es