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FW: Report of PSO GA 2001

Dear PSO Council Members,

Thank you for suggestions and comments you have sent me concerning the
Report of the PSO GA 2001.
As I have not heard any others, I assume it is now OK to publish.

Best regards, Livia

-----Original Message-----
From: Livia Rosu Lunguran [mailto:Livia.Rosu@ETSI.FR]
Sent: 27 July 2001 08:36
Subject: Report of PSO GA 2001

Dear PSO Council Members,

Please find attached the report of the PSO GA 2001, for your approval.

Best regards, Livia
PSO-PC Secretary

Livia Rosu Lunguran
Internet Business & External Relations Officer

ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Sophia Antipolis Cedex, F-06921 France

Tel:       +334.
GSM:    +336.
Fax:      +334.


                                Report of the

            ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) General Assembly 2001
                                July 11, 2001

Reported by: Livia Rosu, PSO-PC Secretary for August 2000-August 2001

Members of PSO-PC being present
  Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative
  Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative
  Philipp Hoschka / W3C Representative
  Gerry Lawrence / ETSI Representative
  Brian Moore / ITU Representative

  Fabio Bigi / ITU Representative
  Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative
  Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative



     Mr. Gerry Lawrence acted as Chairman and opened the PSO General Assembly 2001 by welcoming 
     the participants (over 60 attendees were present) and expressing thanks to the management
     team and delegates of the ETSI Project TIPHON, for accomodating the PSO GA in conjunction
     with their Plenary meeting.

     Mr. Lawrence has then welcomed the ICANN Board Directors, Mr. Hans Kraaijenbrink and Mr. Helmut 
     Schink, introduced the members of Protocol Council being present and thanked the 
     ITU-TSB Director Mr. Houlin Zhao for joining to represent ITU on behalf of Mr. Fabio Bigi.
     The PSO GA Chairman has explained how the ICANN framework looks after the IP address space 
     alocation, protocol parameters' asignment, the Domain Name System management and Root Server 
     System management. An overview of the three ICANN Supporting Organizations and their main 
     responsabilities has also been offered.

     Mr. Lawrence has then explained the PSO role for the asignment of parameters for Internet Protocol 
     and the technical standards used on the Internet, in the view of the framework of the PSO MoU
     signatories, the 4 standards bodies (ITU, IETF, W3C and ETSI).


     Each signatory of the PSO MoU introduced itself:

     2.1.  ITU - Mr. Houlin Zhao presented the activities of the ITU related to ICANN matters, 
           starting with an overview of the Traditional Approval Procedure (TAP) and Alternative 
           Approval Procedure (AAP) for ITU Recommendations. A description of the ITU working methods 
           and structure of the ITU-T Study Groups (SG) was offered, with a focus on the SG 13 
           (Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their internetworking) leading on IP related 
           matters. A listing of IP events organized by ITU was also given.

     2.2.  IETF - Mr. Steve Bellovin spoke about IETF activities' structure and methods, explaining
           also the role of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).

     2.3.  W3C - Mr. Philipp Hoschka presented the W3C achievements and described the working Domains 
           of the W3C structure.

     2.4.  ETSI - Mr. Gerry Lawrence presented the ETSI activities related to IP, describing all the
           ETSI Technical Committees, Projects and Partnership Projects with IP related work items.


     Livia Rosu explained the PSO purpose, scope and duties, then gave the status report on the PSO 
     Protocol Council activities for the 2000-2001 period and projections for the next year. It has 
     also been noted that a hand-over of the PSO Secretariat from ETSI to ITU shall take place in 
     August 2001.

     Plans for election of the ICANN Board Member have been summarized as follows:

     - June 1st 2001, Opening the Call for Nominations
     - July 15th 2001, Closing date for Nominations
     - September 15th 2001, PSO-PC to notify the ICANN Board of its selection
     - October 1st 2001, Beginning of the Term of the new ICANN Director


     Mr. Lawrence has then invited the guest speakers to give their presentations. 

     4.1/4.2  Mr. Hans Kraaijenbrink and Mr. Helmut Schink, ICANN Directors, have offered a joint
              presentation on the ICANN framework and its development. The DNS registry structure and 
              the policy objectives for Year 2001 were highlighted.

     4.3.     Mr. Philippe Cousin, the ETSI Interoperability Service Manager, has described the 
              ETSI Plugtests events of testing a (draft) standard and its implementations, meant to 
              improve the quality of specifications. He explained the IPv4/IPv6 migration issues and 
              IPv6 activities within ETSI. 


     Mr. Hans Kraaijenbrink mentioned that ICANN recently has published a policy paper on 
     Alternative roots and asked the PSO advice to ICANN Board on Protocol aspects related 
     to the Alternative Root issue. Mr. Steve Bellovin highlighted that DNS is designed for exactly 
     one root and mentioned the IAB paper addressing this issue. A discussion took place on the 
     importance of having the PSO safeguarding the future of the Internet by providing its 
     recommendations on key technical/political matters, such as the unique root or the 
     multi-lingual domain names. 

     Mr. Lawrence explained that the PSO is, as specified in the PSO MoU, an advisory body within 
     the ICANN framework. Mr. Brian Moore highlighted that the PSO-PC responds mainly to technical
     aspects, as requested by ICANN.

     Mr. Gaetano (DNSO representative) suggested the PSO to be more proactive on providing advice to 
     the ICANN Board on the hot issues which have an important impact on the protocols such as the 
     alternative roots issue.

     Professor Houldsworth, representing the ISO/IEC JTC1, has informed about the ISO/IEC Councils'
     intention to possibly apply for the PSO membership under the existing rules defined by the 
     PSO MoU and asked the ICANN Board and the PSO Council interpretation of broadening the spectrum 
     of the PSO.
     Mr. Gerry Lawrence underlined that the PSO MoU already specifies that any new organization that 
     believes it satifies the SDO qualifications set forth in the PSO MoU, may apply to the Protocol
     Council to become party to this MoU (see http://www.icann.org/pso/pso-mou.htm). He mentioned
     that this matter will be thoughtfully analyzed during one of the next PSO-PC teleconferences.

     Mrs. Azucena Hernandez has then highlighted that other Supporting Organizations are reorganizing
     themselves, are growing and accepting new members, so the PSO can also consider this possibility,
     after receiving the official ISO/IEC application, which shall take full account of the SDO
     criteria to be met.

 6.  The PSO GA Chairman, Mr. Gerry Lawrence, has thanked all the participants for joining and 
     declared the PSO General Assembly closed.


The copies of all presentations together with the PSO GA Agenda can be found at: