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PSO-GA Report

Dear All,

In spite of several requests and reminders, I have received only one message
(many thanks to Gerry Lawrence) with notes from the PSO General Assembly and
suggestions about the text to be added on the PSO web-site.

As I had no more inputs and something needs to be done, I took the liberty
to draft a short report of the PSO-GA.
I was not present in Pittsburgh, so I might have forgotten important things

Please have a look at the report and get back to me with your comments
and/or "green-light", so that I can take the action of publishing the
enclosed text.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Livia Rosu
PSO-PC Secretary
> PSO-Discuss mailing list
> PSO-Discuss@pso.icann.org


            ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) General Assembly
                                August 3, 2000

Reported by: Livia Rosu, PSO Secretary as of August 2000


 1.  Steve Bellovin and Leslie Daigle opened the PSO General Assembly
     and welcomed the participants. About 50 attendees were present.

 2.  Louis Touton offered an ICANN overview presentation.

 3.  Brian Moore gave a presentation on role and responsabilities of the
     Protocol Supporting Organization, as a consensus based advisory body
     within ICANN framework.

     He explained that day-to-day activities of the PSO are conducted
     through the Protocol Council, in accordance with the principles defined
     in the PSO MoU signed on 14 July 1999 by IETF, ITU, W3C and ETSI.

     The main duties of the Protocol Council have been enumerated:

                1. Advice to ICANN Board on referred matters realting
                   to assignment oof parameters for Internet Protocols.

                2. Development of policies and procedures for conflict
                   resolution as requested by the signatory SDOs.

                3. Development of substantive policies in the area of protocol
                   parameter assignment.

                4. Appointment of Directors of the ICANN Board.

                5. Provision of open information on official communications
                   between ICANN and PSO, PC proceedings and meeting announcements.

                6. Holding of an open General Assembly.

 4.  Each signatory of the PSO MoU introduced itself:

     ITU - Fabio Bigi
     IETF - Leslie Daigle
     W3C - Daniel Weitzner
     ETSI - Bridget Cosgrave

 5.  Gerry Lawrence offered a presentation on activities of the PSO-PC to-date.
     The PSO significant dates have been highlighted from July 1999 (date of
     PSO MoU signing) up to August 2000. It has been noted that a hand-over of
     the PSO Secretariat from IETF to ETSI shall take place shortly.

 6.  Plans for election of ICANN Board Member have been summarized by Steve Coya,
     PSO Secretary at the time:

                - Call for Nominees began June 23, 2000
                - Nomination period closed July 21, 2000
                - Decision to be made by September 15, 2000
                - Term of the new ICANN Director begins October 1, 2000.

     The names of the nominees have been announced:

                - Jean-Francois Abramatic
                - Ole Jacobsen
                - Helmut Schink

 7. Leslie Daigle chaired the open discussion. A question was raised as to how
    the PSO-PC selects the ICANN Director. The PSO-PC stated that PSO Council Members
    already have a brief entitled "What makes a good director" provided by
    existing Directors, and from their own input.

    It has been also noted that PSO-PC has requested CVs containing information
    relevant to these requirements. A careful process of analyzing the candidates will
    be followed to see how well they match the criteria PSO-PC is looking for.

 8. The PSO General Assembly has been declared closed.