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Next teleconf?

Hello all,

I wasn't sure if we'd reached closure re. the date/time of the
next teleconf -- are we in fact pushing it back from Sept 1 to 7?

As I recall from Aug 25, both Brian & Fabio have a conflict with
Sep 1.

I've exchanged a few messages with Steve Bellovin (who is mostly
off-line last & this week);  I gather he has more difficulty with
the Sept 7 date (out of town meeting) than Sept 1.

For myself, I'm open either date.


Livia Rosu wrote:
> - wait for confirmation/agreement of postponing the 1st September
> Teleconference to 7 September


"Reality with a delicate splash of the imaginary...
    ... or was that the other way around?"
   -- ThinkingCat

Leslie Daigle