inserting a latex command

I have recently discovered pngcrush. I have a folder of png images, I'd 
wish insert into each image a latex command. My aim is to generate a 
pannel of mathematical symbols, each one represented by a png icon; 
moreover I want that clicking on  one of these icones displays  the 
corresponding latex in the editor window of my text.
I tried  the following commands
pngcrush -text b "title"  "latexcommand" input.png  output.png
pngcrush -text a "title"  "latexcommand" input.png  output.png

These commands generated an output.png file but after integrating this 
file into my latex editor,  clicking on the icon does nothing.

I tried the same commands with the options -itxt or -ztxt but pgncrush 
failed, I get no output file.
The same bug occurs if I replace the keyword "title" by the keyword 

Please, do you have an idea for solving this problem?  Is a new chunck 
or a new keyword option needed?
Another question: I dont find some option allowing to read all the 
contents of a png file, its chuncks and so on ..

I work with MacOSX El Capitan, I installed pngcrush-1.8.1 with Homebrew; 
my latex editor is texstudio.


Pierre Basso

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 09:28:11 UTC