

7th USENIX Security Symposium
January 26-29, 1998
Marriott Hotel-- San Antonio, Texas

Sponsored by the USENIX Association, the UNIX and Advanced Computing
Systems Professional and Technical Association

In cooperation with: The CERT Coordination Center.

Important Dates for Refereed Papers

Papers due:                             September 9, 1997
Author notification:                    October 8,  1997
Camera-ready final papers due:          December 9, 1997

Registration Materials Available:       End October, 1997

(Authors, see "How to Submit a Refereed Paper" below.)

Program Chair
Avi Rubin, Bellcore

Program Committee
Carlisle Adams, Nortel
Dave Balenson, Trusted Information Systems
Steve Bellovin, AT&T Research
Dan Boneh, Princeton University
Diane Coe, Mitre
Ed Felten, Princeton University
Li Gong, JavaSoft
Peter Honeyman, CITI, University of Michigan
Hugo Krawczyk, IBM Watson Labs
Jack Lacy, AT&T Research
Hilarie Orman, DARPA/ITO
Mike Reiter, AT&T Research
David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley

Katherine T. Fithen, CERT
Trent Jaeger, IBM Watson Labs

Invited talks coordinator: Greg Rose, Qualcomm

Conference home page: <>


The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers,
practitioners, system programmers, and others interested in the 
latest advances in security and applications of cryptography.

This will be a four day symposium with two days of tutorials, 
followed by two days of refereed paper presentations, invited talks,
works-in-progress presentations, and panel discussions.

TUTORIALS Monday and Tuesday, January 26-27

Tutorials for both technical staff and managers will provide
immediately useful, practical information on topics such as local and
network security precautions, what cryptography can and cannot do,
security mechanisms and policies, firewalls and monitoring systems.

If you are interested in proposing a tutorial, contact the tutorial
coordinator, Dan Klein:  phone (412)421-2332 email <>.

Wednesday and Thursday, January 28-29

In addition to the keynote presentation, the technical program includes
refereed papers, invited talks, a work in progress session, and panel
sessions. There will be Birds-of-a-Feather sessions the last two
evenings.  You are invited to make suggestions to the program committee
via email to <>.

Papers that have been formally reviewed and accepted will be presented
during the symposium and published in the symposium proceedings,
published by USENIX and provided free to technical session attendees.
Additional copies will be available for purchase from USENIX.


Refereed paper submissions are being solicited in areas including but
not limited to:

        * Adaptive security and system management
        * Analysis of malicious code
        * Applications of cryptographic techniques
        * Attacks against networks/machines
        * Computer misuse and anomaly detection
        * Copyright protection (technical solutions)
        * Cryptographic & other security tools
        * File and file system security
        * Network security
        * New firewall technologies
        * Security in heterogeneous environments
        * Security incident investigation and response
        * Security of Mobile Code
        * User/system authentication
        * World Wide Web security

Note that this symposium is not about new codes, ciphers, nor
cryptanalysis for its own sake.

Papers must represent novel scientific contributions in computer
security with direct relevance to the engineering of secure systems
for the commercial sector.

(Please read carefully.)

The guidelines for submission are a bit different from previous
years. Authors must submit a mature paper in postscript format.
Any incomplete sections (there shouldn't be many) should be
outlined in enough detail to make it clear that they could be
finished easily. Full papers are encouraged, and should be about
8 to 15 typeset pages. Submissions must be received by
September 9, 1997.

Along with your paper, please submit a separate email message
containing the title, all authors, and their complete contact
information (phone, fax, postal address, email), including an
indication of which author is the contact author.

Authors will be notified of acceptance on October 8, 1997.

All submissions will be judged on originality, relevance, and
correctness. Each accepted submission may be assigned a member
of the program committee to act as its shepherd through the
preparation of  the final paper. The assigned member will act
as a conduit for feedback from the committee to the authors.
Camera-ready final papers are due on December 9, 1997.

If you would like to receive detailed guidelines for submission
and examples of extended abstracts, you may send email to:


or telephone the USENIX Association office at (510) 528-8649.

The Security Symposium, like most conferences and journals,
requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously to another
conference or publication and that submitted papers not be
previously or subsequently published elsewhere. Papers
accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms are not
acceptable and will be returned to the author(s) unread.
All submissions are held in the highest confidentiality prior
to publication in the Proceedings, both as a matter of policy
and in accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

There will be one or two prizes awarded for best paper(s).


For reliability, please send one copy of your paper to the program
committee via each of two of the following methods. All submissions
will be acknowledged.

  o Preferred Method: email (Postscript) to:

  o Alternate Method: postal delivery to
       Security Symposium
       2560 Ninth St., Ste. #215
       Berkeley CA 94710
       Phone: (510) 528-8649

  o Fax:  (510) 548-5738

Vendor Exhibits

Demonstrate your security product to our technically astute attendees
responsible  for security at their sites.  We invite you to take part
in the Vendor Display.  The informal, table-top display allows you to
meet with attendees informally and demonstrate in detail your security

Contact CynthiaDeno
Phone:  408.335.9445
Fax 408.335.5327

Works-in-Progress Session (WIPs)

The last session of the symposium will be a Works-in-Progress session
consisting of five minute presentations. Speakers should provide a one
or two paragraph abstract to the program chair by 6:00 pm on January
28, 1998 at the conference. These should be provided in person, not via
email. The chair will post the schedule of presentations by noon on the
29th. Experience at other conferences has shown that usually, all of
them are accepted.  The five minute time limit will be strictly enforced.


There will be several invited talks at the conference in parallel with
the refereed papers. If you have suggestions for possible speakers,
please send them to <>.


Materials containing all details of the technical and tutorial
programs, registration fees and forms, and hotel information will be
available at the end of October 1997.  To receive the registration
materials, please contact:

USENIX Conference Office
22672 Lambert Street, Suite 613
Lake Forest, CA USA   92630
Phone:  (714) 588-8649
Fax: (714) 588-9706
Email: <>

Information can also be found under the Conference home page:

Received on Sunday, 8 September 1996 11:48:20 UTC