Re: Passphrases in or out


Yes, the MAC key is derived using assymetric cryptography.  In pricinple,
however, it does not matter how it is derived -- if it is a shared key that
is only known to the sender and receiver, then the security of the MAC would
still hold.

I'm afraid, upon rereading your original message, that I may have answered
a slightly different question than that which you had posed.  It is true
that if the key choice is not good, then eavesdroppers may use the traffic
in an off-line dictionary attack to recover the key.  I was addressing a
different question, that of whether assymetric cryptography is required to
perform such an authentication -- which is why I added at the end that
users must chose passphrases with enough entropy.

My apologies for misunderstanding your question.


Bennet S. Yee		Phone: +1 619 534 4614	    Email:

USPS:	Dept of Comp Sci and Eng, 0114, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

Received on Monday, 5 August 1996 19:19:14 UTC