issues with the charter

From earlier discussion, there were several points about what the
charter might also include:

1. security protocols for UDP
2. producing a requirements document beyond the charter
3. migration from existing protocols
4. relation to proxies
5. relevance of port numbers
6. multiplexing connections over a single secure connection

It seems to me that the purpose of the charter is to nail down a few
concrete and achievable goals.  We can add to those goals, but each
new goal adds to the up-front constraints, as opposed to those we
choose as we proceed.

Item #1 is outside the scope of the current charter, which is about
reliable connections.  Given the state of current practice, I think
it's reasonable to stay with reliable connections and not try to bite
off the UDP problem as well.

A requirements document (item #2) to help focus discussion could be
very useful. Would anyone like to draft one? On the other hand, I
don't think it's absolutely necessary, so I suggest we not include it
in the charter.

The remainder of the items are certainly worth discussing, but it
seems to me that putting them into the charter may unnecessarily limit
our options as the discussion evolves.

As noted earlier, I'd like to close on the charter, but that doesn't
mean closing off discussion of all of these topics -- some we may deem
relevant, and some not.


	- Win Treese

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 1996 03:24:49 UTC