IETF-TLS List Moving

The IETF-TLS list has been hosted by W3, who no longer can maintain the list.

We are moving the list to <>.

Information on the IETF-TLS working, and information on how to subscribe to
the new list is at <>.

We will not be moving existing subscribers from the w3 list to the new
list, you must resubscribe. This list will probably be shut down in about
two weeks.

IETF-TLS Mailing List Information

WWW Home Page:

IETF-TLS General Discussion:

      To SUBSCRIBE to the IETF-TLS Discussion List:
      with the subject SUBSCRIBE.

      To SUBSCRIBE to the IETF-TLS Digest List:
      with the subject SUBSCRIBE DIGEST.

      To UNSUBSCRIBE either the IETF-TLS Discussion List or the Digest List:
      with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE.

      IETF-TLS Discussion List Archive:

IETF-TLS Announcements List (moderated):

      To SUBSCRIBE to the IETF-TLS Announcements List:
      with the subject SUBSCRIBE.

      To UNSUBSCRIBE to the IETF-TLS Announcements List:
      with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE.

      IETF-TLS Announcements List Archive:
      To Be Announced

Any problems with subscribing or unsubscribing to these lists should be
addressed to:
      Consensus Development Listmaster <mailto:>.

..Christopher Allen                  Consensus Development Corporation..
..<>                 1563 Solano Avenue #355..
..                                             Berkeley, CA 94707-2116..
..Home of "SSL Plus:                      o510/559-1500  f510/559-1505..
..  SSL 3.0 Integration Suite(tm)" <>..

Received on Thursday, 6 March 1997 17:38:30 UTC