Re: Anyone want to take over the mailing list?

At 8:30 AM -0800 2/11/97, Rohit Khare wrote:
>Well, I for one would be thrilled if someone else in the TLS community
>would like to take over the list. I initially volunteered the W3C's
>resources when I was the Web security contact point. As this list has grown
>and as W3C's web security interest has gravitated towards digital
>signatures, our resources for maintaining this list have dwindled. In fact,
>since I am no longer the security contact for the organization, I have only
>done minor emergency cleaning of the list (as with the flood of UNLIST
>messages this weekend).
>If there is someone more enthusiastic and better equipped, we can consider
>a handoff arrangement. Otherwise, it will be a few more weeks before W3C
>completes its 'mailing list cleanup' project to find more resources for

We have the resources at Consensus to manage additional lists, and would be
willing to either take over list administration of this list or to move it
to a consensus server.

..Christopher Allen                  Consensus Development Corporation..
..<>                 1563 Solano Avenue #355..
..                                             Berkeley, CA 94707-2116..
..Home of "SSL Plus:                      o510/559-1500  f510/559-1505..
..  SSL 3.0 Integration Suite(tm)" <>..

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 1997 14:14:02 UTC