Change in HTTPbis chairs

Hi All,

After recently letting Barry know, I've got a little change in the HTTPbis
chairing status to share - we're going to shift to 2 chairs for the moment:
Mark and Tommy. When I shifted employers about a year ago the 3 chair
arrangement made sense to both avoid conflicts and provide some runway to
bring Tommy up to speed. Now that Tommy has just about a year of experience
under his belt as co-chair we can move to a 2 chair posture more
appropriate to the workload. Dare I say - Mission Accomplished - so I'll
happily step aside from this particular role for now...

I've learned quite a bit in my tenure and thank you all for the support
over that time  (not to mention the drafts, the PRs, the comments and hums.)


Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 15:46:24 UTC