Re: Fixing cookies (Re: Some half-baked thoughts about cookies.)

On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 3:25 AM Erik Nygren <> wrote:
> One approach to consider would be to introduce an HSTS-style model to allow sites to switch defaults to be more sticky in a stateful manner.  In particular, to allow specifying that some of the rfc6265bis improvements can be applied to a site in a sticky manner for some time period.

See I like that idea. It maintains the existing pipeline for
production and consumption, but fixes the defaults problem without
adding a parallel mechanism.  The failure modes are scary though: if
you did rely on broader scoped cookies and didn't realize, then things
break (and the browser gets the blame, because it works in

I think that as long as certain cookies can opt-out (notSecure,
notHttpOnly), then it might work as well as an entirely new mechanism.

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 23:42:56 UTC