Re: WiSH: A General Purpose Message Framing over Byte-Stream Oriented Wire Protocols (HTTP)

I do not understand what this means.  Is the suggestion to ignore WiSH for
now in favor of SSE?

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 1:55 AM, Takeshi Yoshino <>

> I'd like to share the feedback on WiSH from IETF 97.
> ----
> Due to limited time, I got just one on-site comment from Martin about
> comparison with Server-sent event (EventSource).
> As mentioned in the I-D, yes, this is kinda full-duplex SSE with the WS
> framing, and it might suffer from unexpected buffering by intermediaries if
> any as Martin said.
> WiSH should work well for deployment with TLS only (possibly with some
> non-TLS part beyond server side front-end but are under control of the
> service providers). Given the wide trend of encouraging TLS and browser
> vendors' implementation status of H2, I think we should prioritize layering
> simplicity than taking care of gain of WiSH/H2/TCP + transparent proxy
> (with unexpected buffering) case. For H2-less TLS-less environment, we can
> just use the WebSocket protocol.
> There can still be some risk of MITM (trusted) proxy and unexpected
> buffering with AntiVirus/Firewall for deployment with TLS, but other
> WebSocket/H2 mapping proposals also have issues of possible blocking,
> buffering, etc. WebSocket/TCP's handshake success rate for non-TLS port 80
> was also not so good when it started getting deployed, and got improved
> gradually. I think the problems will get resolved once WiSH is accepted
> widely, and I believe the total pain and cost would be smaller.
> ----
> Mark suggested that we should find some other right place than HTTP WG.
> I'll discuss this with Mark. Maybe we'll consult the DISPATCH WG.
> ----
> Thanks everyone for the feedback.
> Takeshi
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 3:20 AM, Costin Manolache <> wrote:
>> Good timing - is
>> addressing my concerns for
>> webpush ( and general 'encrypted content' ), we're still discussing some
>> details, but for this use
>> case metadata won't be needed.
>> Costin
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 10:34 PM Takeshi Yoshino <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Wenbo Zhu <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Costin Manolache <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the answer and pointers. From earlier responses, it seems
>>> possible to use GET
>>> or a non-web-stream request to would avoid the extra cost of the
>>> pre-flight.
>>> Yeah, at least the Content-Type in the HTTP request gets eliminated.
>>> One more question/issue: in some cases it would be good to send some
>>> metadata (headers) along with binary frames. For example in webpush the
>>> content is an encrypted
>>> blob, and needs headers for the key/salt. I would assume a lot of other
>>> 'binary' messages would
>>> benefit if simple metadata could be sent along. Would it be possible to
>>> use one of the reserved
>>> bits for 'has metadata' and add some encoded headers ? I know in
>>> websocket they are intended
>>> for 'extensions', but 'headers' seems a very common use case.
>>> Q about webpush: is the metadata different for each binary message?
>>> We discussed about metadata and how to use one of RSV bits etc. For the
>>> current version, let's make sure the WS compatibility is fully addressed
>>> (with minimum wire encoding like WiSH)
>>> Agreed. Let's discuss the metadata needs separately. I agree it's
>>> important.
>>> Having the binary frame use some MIME encoding to pass both text headers
>>> and the binary blob
>>> is possible - but has complexity and overhead.
>>> OTOH, if the binary blob relies on text headers (metata) to be useful,
>>> then you probably need define a dedicated MIME encoding.
>>> Costin
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 5:27 AM Takeshi Yoshino <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Van, Costin.
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 2:43 AM, Costin Manolache <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Good point - websocket is widely deployed, including IoT - and the
>>> header is pretty easy to handle anyways.
>>> +1.
>>> One question: is this intended to be handled by browsers, and exposed
>>> using the W3C websocket API ?
>>> Will a regular app be able to make WiSH requests and parse the stream by
>>> itself, without browser
>>> interference ? And if yes, any advice on how it interact with CORS ?
>>> The first step would be using Streams based upload/download via the
>>> Fetch API + protocol processing in JS.
>>> The next step could be either introduction of an optimized native
>>> implementation of WiSH parser/framer in the form of the TransformStream
>>> which can be used as follows:
>>> const responsePromise = fetch(url, init);
>>> responsePromise.then(response => {
>>>   const wishStream = response.body().pipeThrough(wishTransformStream);
>>>   function readAndProcessMessage() {
>>>     const readPromise =;
>>>     readPromise.then(result => {
>>>       if (result.done) {
>>>         // End of stream.
>>>         return;
>>>       }
>>>       const message = result.value;
>>>       // Process the message
>>>       // E.g. access message.opcode for opcode, message.body for the
>>> body data
>>>       readAndProcessMessage();
>>>     });
>>>   }
>>>   readAndProcessMessage();
>>> });
>>> and provide a polyfill that presents this as the WebSocket API, and (or
>>> skip the step and) go further i.e. native implementation for everything if
>>> it turns out optimization is critical.
>>> We need to discuss this also in W3C/WHATWG.
>>> Regarding CORS, if the request includes non CORS-safelisted headers,
>>> fetch() based JS polyfills will be basically subject to the CORS preflight
>>> requirement. We could try to exempt some of well defined headers if any for
>>> CORS like WebSocket handshake's headers and server-sent event's
>>> Last-Event-Id are exempted. Regarding the proposed subprotocol negotiation
>>> in the form of combination of the Accept header and the Content-Type
>>> header, the Accept header is one of the CORS-safelisted headers, so it's
>>> not a problem. The Content-Type header is considered to be
>>> non-CORS-safelisted if it's value is none of the CORS-safelisted media
>>> types. So, WiSH media type would trigger the preflight unless we exclude it.
>>> Origin policy might also help.
>>> Costin
>>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 12:06 PM Takeshi Yoshino <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Sorry for being ambivalent.
>>> We can of course revisit each design decision we made for RFC 6455
>>> framing and search for the optimal again. But as:
>>> - one of the main philosophies behind WiSH is compatibility with
>>> WebSocket in terms of both spec and implementation
>>> - the WebSocket is widely deployed and therefore we have a lot of
>>> implementations in various languages/platform
>>> - most browsers already have logic for the framing
>>> - the framing is not considered to be so big pain
>>> inheriting the WebSocket framing almost as-is is just good enough.
>>> Basically, I'm leaning toward this plan.
>>> Takeshi
>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 3:12 AM, Takeshi Yoshino <>
>>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 2:55 AM, Loïc Hoguin <> wrote:
>>> On 10/28/2016 08:41 PM, Costin Manolache wrote:
>>> Current overhead is 2 bytes if frame is up to 125 bytes long - which I
>>> think it's not very common,
>>> 4 bytes for up to 64k, and 10 bytes for anything larger.
>>> IMHO adding one byte - i.e. making it fixed 5-byte, with first as is,
>>> and next 4 fixed length would
>>> be easiest to parse.
>>> Is making it easy (or easier) to parse even a concern anymore?
>>> Considering the number of agents and servers already supporting
>>> Websocket, the numerous libraries for nearly all languages and the great
>>> autobahntestsuite project validating it all, reusing the existing code is a
>>> very sensible solution.
>>> Yeah, I've been having similar feeling regarding cost for parser/encoder
>>> implementation though I might be biased.
>>> There are obviously too many options to encode and each has benefits -
>>> my only concern was
>>> that the choice of 1, 2, 8 bytes for length may not match common sizes.
>>> ( in webpush frames will be <4k ).
>>> --
>>> Loïc Hoguin

Received on Sunday, 20 November 2016 03:27:25 UTC