Re: Report on preliminary decision on TLS 1.3 and client auth

On 23 September 2015 at 10:16, Martin Thomson <> wrote:
> Here is a summary of the applicable pieces, plus what I options it provides
> HTTP/2...

With the help of Mike Bishop [7], I've just submitted a draft that
describes option 2 in more detail, including something for TLS 1.2.

I think that this is the best of all the bad options available to us.
In an ideal world, I think that I would prefer to kill this feature,
but we tried that once already and it wasn't working so well.  So we
this is plan B.

The TLS 1.2 option requires a new TLS extension.  If we think that
this is a good idea, we'll have to coordinate with the TLS working


[7] Mike is on vacation, and I did make a few changes without his
approval, so I'll have to ask forgiveness if I made a mistake...  In
other words, all the blame is mine, and the credit Mike's.

Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 22:10:45 UTC