Unified User-Agent String (draft-karcz-uuas)


My name's Mateusz Karcz and I'm an author of the Internet Draft titled "Unified User-Agent String" ( full text: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-karcz-uuas-01 ). The main goal of this proposal is simplifying and clarifying the content of the User-Agent HTTP header field, while maintaining the existing possibility of its use and preserving validity of existing implementations.

Since the first revision of this draft I've changed the construction of it, simplified proposed UUAS structure, made a research about security and applied some other, minor changes. In the AppsAWG I've got some advice and I know that I need to correct some claims in the first section of the document. I need also to make a minor change in the formal definition.

In the AppsAWG I've also got advice to propose my draft here because it relates to the HTTP and (if accepted) it's going to update RFC7231, which has been created here. I would like to know what is Your opinion about this document. I would also like to know if there is any possibility of co-creation of this document with the HTTPBis working group.

M. Karcz

Received on Friday, 14 November 2014 18:37:48 UTC