Pseudo end-to-end connections considered harmful

Accessing web sites through TLS gives the feeling of just talking to 
this site. The retrieved HTML content however cause the browser to open 
more connections for subresources of the displayed page, e.g. there are 
multiple endpoints and third parties are involved. It is known that in 
some countries it is possible for intelligence agencies to get access to 
the data after decryption has been done. If encryption is done to 
provide real end to end security then the use of any third party 
subresource must be avoided in order to not violate the users privacies 
concerns. For example an intelligence agency can surveil who is browsing 
where by just using some tracking companies data including the referer 
header data, ever cookies and other tracking data.

When a http2 browser is using TLS then it should use a single end-to-end 
connection and refrain from open any further connections. The server is 
the endpoint and is therefore not allowed to forward the request. Any 
proxy / gateway must mark responses with a via header and http2 clients 
using a TLS connection must close the connection if they discover such a 
via header.


Received on Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:23:13 UTC