Re: issue 381: Discovery of the support of the HTTP2 protocol: DNS-based Upgrade


On 2/17/14, 8:48 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> As a reminder, since it's been a while since we first had this discussion.
> The main problem with SRV is that it uses sub-domains as the basis of
> differentiating different protocols.  e.g.,
> This might be an important feature.  This likely results in additional
> latency, particularly since zone cuts appear here frequently and
> retrieval might then require additional queries.  This is why Eliot
> proposed a new RR type that includes service type as an additional
> parameter, closer instead to NAPTR.

Right.  I optimized for fewer queries.  The record format that I had was
one approach.  The key issue is that one should not have levels of
indirection in the RDATA, and even better that the QNAME for the record
be the same as for the A or AAAA.  On the other hand, then you have to
deploy a new RRtype.


Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 21:29:59 UTC