Re: issue 381: Discovery of the support of the HTTP2 protocol: DNS-based Upgrade

On 12/02/2014 11:58 p.m., Salvatore Loreto wrote:
> +1 x DNS SRV
> but I think it would be great to generalise its usage to discover if a domain support HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 or both
> independently if they run on different ports or on the same port.

A strong +1 for mandating SRV for HTTP/2.x discovery, because:

* It is also the way to lookup both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously in a single query/response. Today we have unfortunate race conditions with dual-stack browsers issuing double queries. IPv6 needs your support!

* It does away with the naked-domain-can’t-be-an-alias bug. Hosting providers everywhere will cheer for you.

* No new protocol should be using A (host) records to find service endpoints, SRV is the proper and extensible way. “A” is for Archaic. Philosophically, we shouldn’t lookup a hostname at all, we should lookup a service and be told on which host(s) to find it.

See RFC6186 for a worked example of how SRV records can be adopted for a specific application. Note also, IANA/IETF already expected HTTP to be using SRV, see RFC6335 (BCP165) sec.5 which deprecated “www”… but it just never took off. Well now’s the only chance to fix that.


* discussed well in

Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 05:02:24 UTC