Re: CONTINUATION was: #540: "jumbo" frames

Le Sam 28 juin 2014 22:47, Roberto Peon a écrit :
> When one is doing 1:1 proxying there is no real downside to allowing
> transmission before the entire suite of headers has been received.
> This is especially true if used for non-browser usecases.

Even if you do 1:1, if you perform security checks, you may need to
receive everything before you can decide to forward

(the other solution is to forward almost everything and cut the connexion
if the checks are negative once everything is received, but clients do not
like it much and it creates weird UI artefacts when download bars slow
down to a crawl at 99% Users hate those)

Nicolas Mailhot

Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 08:34:47 UTC