Re: Frame Length Restrictions

On 21 April 2014 13:20, Jeff Pinner <> wrote:

I was there :)

I guess that I just don't find the problem particularly appealing.  I
understand the mathematics; if an originating server or client fills
packets precisely, there is no space to use for padding and the only
option is an 8 byte chunk.  It's probably more due to a reluctance to
accept the premise.

The part of the premise that is most problematic is the one where you
assume the intermediary cannot re-frame packets.

A sender that knows that it might want to pad can easily frame to in
16376 byte chunks.  And then any amount of padding is available to
them.  And that option is available to every sender, intermediary or

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 21:06:39 UTC