Re: Transfer-codings, mandatory content-coding support and intermediaries

On 2014-04-20 02:00, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> ...
>> Sure, that makes http/2 gateways have to work a little harder with lame http/1 clients. that's a reasonable price.
> No, that's not the problem. The problem is that the gateways have to become non-transparent, making it more difficult for clients to interoperate *through* them.
> ...

Such as rewriting ETags, right?

This is a hard problem. Apache httpd's compression module doesn't get it 
right. Are we aware of *any* piece of middleware that does get it right?

Note that this also requires rewriting request header (conditionals), 
and would always be limited to what the middleware knows about (so ETags 
in payloads and new conditional header fields will be broken...).

Best regards, Julian

Received on Sunday, 20 April 2014 09:02:52 UTC