Security of cross-origin pushed resources

[Originally at]

Hey all, says:

> A server is considered authoritative for an "http" resource if the connection is
> established to a resolved IP address for the domain in the origin of the resource.

I worry whether this might be insecure: For instance,
`` and `` could conceivably live
behind a load balancer at the same IP address, yet `foo` shouldn't be
able to push resources for `bar`. (Or am I mis-reading the spec here?)

I'm guessing the expectation would be: If the load balancer speaks
HTTP 2.0, it would forward individual streams to the servers, so we
can expect it to enforce that servers don't send unauthorized push

But what if an HTTP 1.1 load balancer forwards the entire TCP
connection once it sees a Host: field? Then the server could
conceivably upgrade to HTTP 2.0 and push resources that it isn't
allowed to push.

Could this happen? What do you think?


Jo Liss

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 18:55:38 UTC