Re: #428 Accept-Language ordering for identical qvalues

James M Snell wrote:
> Well, considering that the http/2 discussion has already touched on
> the introduction of stateful compression, a potential switch to
> binary-header values, elimination of various elements such as response
> status-text and the host header, and so on, a discussion of
> eliminating conneg wouldn't be too extreme :-) ...

Nor would updating the WG charter to account for such changes ;-) ...

> The one thing to consider is that it ought to be at least possible to
> deprecate conneg without removing it entirely. We'll need to keep the
> mechanism around for http/1 interop and passthrough but we can say
> instruct developers that conneg ought to be avoided and we can
> discuss and highlight the appropriate alternatives.

Which is exactly why I'd like to see this discussed further on the REST
list.  If the "solution" to conneg is to either require an extra round-
trip per request to indicate "compressed representation, please," or to
make compression stateful, then it's harder for me to buy into the
notion of server-driven negotiation as a "revolting feature."

IOW, I can't participate in a discussion about the way forward, if I
don't understand the problem with the status quo.  What am I missing?
I do think such theoretical architectural discussion belongs elsewhere;
at least as I see it, this list should be nuts-and-bolts protocol
writing.  I'm told this has been discussed before, links would help.


Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 21:29:06 UTC