Re: HTTP 2.0 "Upgrade" flow

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 02:12:41PM -0700, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
> If the client "knows" that the server is HTTP 2.0 capable (DNS, previous
> connection, etc), and wants to skip the HTTP 1.1 Upgrade mechanism and send
> "naked" HTTP 2.0 frames from the start (without TLS), I presume it should
> still send the session header? As worded above, the behavior is undefined.
> I'm guessing, the answer is yes..

That's the way I understood it...

And session header in that case tells that HTTP/2.0 is coming, not HTTP/1.x

> How does this work in light of the client/server session headers? Do we
> skip the client session header and send the server session header, followed
> by response frames? Or does the client have to wait to get the 101, and
> then send the client session header before the connection can proceed?

Of course, client has to wait for server session header or it sends
something designed to cause things to break...


Received on Sunday, 14 April 2013 21:40:04 UTC