Re: informal Last Call on draft-reschke-http-status-308-02

On 2012-01-14 16:48, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Julian Reschke wrote:
>> - what's the problem with the title?
> When the redirect target disappears but the redirect does not, then you
> might end up with "Permanent Redirect" as title in search results which
> looks very broken and is uninformative. A better title would be "Moved
> to<new location>".

3xx responses never should show up in search results. Or am I missing 

>> - why do I need to specify encoding? It's all US-ASCII
> Because RFC 2854 says it's strongly recommended to use the parameter.

Well, it's a silly recommendation in this case. And it's NOT UPPERCASE!

>> - says it's happy once I had the HTML4 strict doctype;
>> would that work for you?
> I can live with that.
>> The RFC Editor rewrites this part upon publication.
> Or forgets to do so and you forget to check and we end up with bad text.

Please trust my AUTH48 skills.

>>> I think you need a better term for "permanent URI". How about simply re-
>>> moving the "permanent" and possibly adding "new" to the second instance?
>> I'd prefer to use language consistent with RFC 2616.
> Well, in RFC 2616 it makes a little bit more sense as there you have the
> contrast with temporary addresses, but "permanent" is the condition that
> the resource has a different address than the current one, but that does
> not mean the new address will be "permanent". But oh well, your argument
> is good enough.

Again, I'm with you in that we may want to tune the 3xx descriptions. 
But we should be consistent in what we change.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 14 January 2012 15:55:12 UTC