RE: Partially fulfilled / draft-nottingham-http-new-status

Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> For POST, this response is no different than 200 -- the client has no
> idea what semantics are provided by the service and thus cannot
> differentiate partial from complete success without the service
> telling the client what to do next (i.e., exactly what 200 does).

That's true. 

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Why is it necessary to surface this information in the status code?

I just wanted to solely rely on the 200 code when the request was
*completely* fulfilled and have a way to signal the client to also look at
the body when it was *partially fulfilled*. But having a content length of 0
in the first case would basically do the same, right?

> E.g., will intermediaries or automated software that's not specific to
> the application at hand be able to use it?

Hmm... No. You are right, indeed it has no advantage of creating a specific
response code for that as it won't tell you more about the result than a

Thank you very much for the feedback


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2011 02:31:03 UTC