Re: Issue 166: clarify term "User Agent" and resolve inconsistencies with W3C specs

On 2009-06-03 09:48, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> I'd agree the chosen terminology isn't great. Not sure that changing it
> wouldn't cause more proplems than it solves.
> ...

We had a off-list conversation with Larry, and he suggested text leaving 
the definition as-is, but adding a note make it clearer that in
HTTP, "user agent" can also mean "autonomous client".

Proposed text: 

The new paragraph would be:

"Note: The term 'user agent' covers both those situations where there is 
a user (human) interacting with the software agent (and for which user 
interface or interactive suggestions might be made, e.g., warning the 
user or given the user an option in the case of security or privacy 
options) and also those where the software agent may act autonomously."

Feedback appreciated, Julian

Received on Monday, 5 December 2011 21:26:55 UTC