Re: 202 Accepted, Location, and Retry-After

On Oct 24, 2011, at 9:13 AM, James Snell wrote:

> Julian, thank you for the pointer, I had missed that thread entirely.
> The distinction between the final response and the status monitor
> concern could be addressed through the additional application of the
> Content-Location header. Within a 202 Response, the Location URI would
> be assumed to point essentially to a status monitor, while the
> Content-Location would point to the URI of the final response.

No, that is reversed -- the 202 response might be considered
a status monitor's representation and thus point to itself using
Content-Location.  No change to the spec is required for that

I don't see any need to use Location here, since 303 can be used
to point to the final response as a placeholder.


Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 20:07:50 UTC