Re: [#95] Multiple Content-Lengths

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 07:57:56 +0200, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
> Proposed:
>    3.  If a message is received without Transfer-Encoding and with
>        either multiple Content-Length header fields indicating different
>        lengths or a single Content-
>        Length header field with an invalid value, then the message
>        framing is invalid and treated as an error to prevent
>        request or response smuggling.  If this is a request message, the
>        server MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code and then
>        close the connection.  If this is a response message received by
>        a proxy or gateway, the proxy or gateway MUST discard the
>        received response, send a 502 (Bad Gateway) status code as its
>        downstream response, and then close the connection.  If this is a
>        response message received by a user-agent, it SHOULD NOT
>        be used, but if it is the message-body
>        length is determined by reading the connection until it is
>        closed, and the user SHOULD be informed of the problem.
>        Subsequent responses on the connection MUST NOT
>        be used.

I'm not quite familiar with our code here, but if I understand the bug  
report below most (if not all) browsers do not implement any of the above.  
That does not seem good. Also, a SHOULD seems way too strong; even if we  
would report HTTP errors in an error console in most cases the user will  
not be informed at all. If I remember correctly, HTML5 typically uses MAY  
for such cases and a MUST for conformance checkers.

> Also, FYI:

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 08:28:52 UTC