RE: [#95] Multiple Content-Lengths

Clarity suggestion only:

>        ...  If this is a response message received by
>        a proxy or gateway, the proxy or gateway MUST discard the
>        received response, send a 502 (Bad Gateway) status code as its
>        downstream response, and then close the connection.  ...

The construction of the sentence could be (if I were being especially dense) mistaken to mean that the connection between intermediary and client is closed, when you really mean that the connection between intermediary and server is closed.

   If this is a response message received by an intermediary, the intermediary MUST discard the response and close the upstream connection, and send a 502 status code as its downstream response.

I don't think that there needs to be any implied order to these actions, as implied by the "then".


Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 06:58:46 UTC