Re: Chopan - Compressed HTTP Over PANs (draft-frank-6lowpan-chopan-00)

Jim Gettys wrote:

> Those of you with memory of my role in HTTP may find the following
> comments surprising, but bear with me.
> Doing something like this has to pass test, in my mind:
>   o that it be shown to be significantly more compact than HTTP +
> deflate style compression (probably with a pre-defined dictionary, and
> canonicalization of cases of strings to minimize the size of the
> dictionary).  Ad-hoc binary compression systems are often/commonly not
> less efficient than what gzip style compressors can do.  (to remind the
> audience, deflate is gzip without some preamble information; and IIRC,
> it can be used with a predefined dictionary, so you don't have to
> transmit said dictionary first when you know the material being
> compressed).
I'd also want it shown that it's a saving even worth having. It seems a
tiny saving in terms of bandwidth used, even on a low speed network. The
specification talks about memory footprint as well ("Binary compression:
HTTP headers are compressed into a binary format to save bandwidth and
buffer space"), but I still find it hard to believe anything for which
100-200 bytes (if that) will make a difference, will be able to do
anything sensible with the content.

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 11:06:56 UTC