Re: i28 proposed replacement text

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> > partial or absolute detection ? If the format allows multiple concatenated 
> > entries, and integrity check is true if you reach exactly the end of one 
> > entry, you have a highly probable integrity check but not an absolute one.
> You don't hav an absolute one even if Content-Length matches or chunked
> encoding is terminated proper. It all depends on where the failure was
> and how communication was to that..

Agree, except we can at least identify when it's not the protocol
itself introducing undetected failure.

> In any situation where there may be
> some form or proxy inbetween (including servers running scripts) both
> Content-Length and chunking is synthetic and hop-by-hop. As recipient
> you can only be absolutely sure that if there is a mismatch then
> something is wrong..

According to RFC2616, Content-Length is an entity header and an
end-to-end header, therefore should not be synthesised hop-by-hop.
Yeah, I know :-)

-- Jamie

Received on Monday, 2 June 2008 10:36:34 UTC