Re: Proposed resolution for Issue 13 (language tags)

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

>> Please replace en-cockney by say es-419, and i-cherokee
>> by say az-Arab.
> +1
> I suggest also a man-Nkoo-GN to show both the use of >1
> subtags and a three-letter language subtag.

ACK, readers familiar with RFC 2616 won't necessarily know
new tricks introduced after RFC 1766.  But I'm not sure if
using an ISO 639-3 "macrolanguage" is a good idea, or how
plausible man-Nkoo-GN is.  For i-cherokee fans chr-Cher-US
might do, but then US is unnecessary (against 4646 rules).


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2008 09:11:10 UTC