Re: [Ietf-http-auth] Updating RFC 2617 (HTTP Digest) to use UTF-8

An Internet-Draft submitted to the IETF Internet-Drafts repository is  
a great way to publish RFC updates for public review. Anybody can  
publish any format-conforming document for a temporary lifetime as an  
Internet-Draft.   I strongly support efforts to update these specs so  
let me know how I can help as AD or if there are any questions I can  

Lisa Dusseault

On Oct 16, 2006, at 3:54 PM, Ingo Struck wrote:

> I am not sure where best to publish a "cut-down-update" of
> rfc 2617 informally for public review... Any recommendations?

Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 22:43:12 UTC