Re: Can the response entity be transmitted before all the request entity has been read?

Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
> Requests and responses are *always* fully completed. There is no way of
> canceling a request/response half-way, except by closing the connection.

Thank you.  I had managed to figure that out, more recently than my
mail on the subject :)

> Just ignore the 100 response. The protocol behaves exactly with or without
> it.

I can't ignore it: I'm writing a HTTP/1.1 server.  I must send the 100
response at the appropriate time, to prevent the client delay.  Also
it's a protocol requirement: section 8.2.3.  OTOH I don't want to send
it if I'm generating an error response.  Pretty much what 100 is for.

I delay sending the 100 response until the application (which sits on
top of the server) asks to read any of the request entity, which makes sense.

The complications arose from the question of what to do when the
server application doesn't read any of the request entity.
Conservatively the HTTP server just reads it anyway, but I was trying
to apply a close to optimal set of rules.  The obvious thing to do is
not send 100, so that the client might not sent the entity.

But I've looked a bit harder, and RFC 2616 section 8.2.3 states:

      - Upon receiving a request which includes an Expect request-header
        field with the "100-continue" expectation, an origin server MUST
        either respond with 100 (Continue) status and continue to read
        from the input stream, or respond with a final status code. The
        origin server MUST NOT wait for the request body before sending
        the 100 (Continue) response. If it responds with a final status
        code, it MAY close the transport connection or it MAY continue
        to read and discard the rest of the request.  It MUST NOT
        perform the requested method if it returns a final status code.

That final MUST NOT indicates that if my server application generates
a non-error response, i.e. a response which indicates it _did_ perform
the requested method, and the server application doesn't ever ask for
any of the request entity from the HTTP server, the HTTP server must
_still_ send 100.


Furthermore, the HTTP server _must_ read _all_ of the request entity.
It cannot abort, because there is no way to know when the client
application has read the response.  It is possible to know when the
client's TCP stack has acknowledged all the response, but the client
_application_ might not see that data until it has sent all the request.

> I believe the above would impact most of your questions, as I believe you
> get meaning of this response incorrect. 

Yes I did.  I thought it meant the client could choose not to send the
response at all.  (Actually, for "Error Status" responses (section
8.2.2), the client _can_ choose not to send a response, as you
observe: the client can send a zero length chunk.  It can't do that
for non-error responses).  My understanding of 100 (Continue) is now
adequate.  Thank you :)

> *Remark* on the chunked transfer from clients to servers. I don't know
> whether implementations actually send a zero-sized chunk after getting a
> response. This behaviour might be implementation specific. I rather believe
> clients would complete the entire request.

If it's an Error Status they SHOULD send the zero-sized chunk or close
the connection.  Section 8.2.2 is quite prominent.  This has nothing
to do with 100 (Continue), by the way, it's orthogonal to it.

Consequently, if I'm generating an Error Status with a body, like a
404 with explanation page that *uses* the request entity to generate
that page, my server MUST NOT send the Error Status until reading
entire request entity.  If it did send the Error Status earlier, the
client is supposed to abort sending the request which the server needs
to construct the page which goes with that 404.

However, if I'm generating a 200 response where the page uses the
request entity, it appears I can transmit that before the request
entity is all read.

> When sending a entity body to the server and you receive a 3xx
> response, this means the request is redirected. The serer is
> unwilling/unable/... to handle the request.  The behaviour can be
> similar to the error responses (4xx and 5xx), because in this case
> the server is also unwilling/unable to handle the request.

You may be right, but I see no clear text which relates the meaning of
3xx to "Error Status" in section 8.2.2 - which is fairly important.

As I described in the example above, 200 can overlap the response and
request; 404 cannot.  Can 303?  It's allowed for a 303 response to
come with an explanatory page which _might_ be generated using data
from the client request entity.

I'll be conservative and assume clients are allowed to abort the
request entity on 3xx responses too (for 8.2.2).  *But* I have to be
conservative and assume I'm not allowed to transmit a 3xx without 100
when 100 is indicated (for 8.2.3): 303 being a valid response for a
POST method which *is* performed.

> After an error you should close the connection when:
> 1) You are not sure about the state (e.g. after 400 bad request).
> 2) Client is sending data and you don't want to waste bandwidth on it.

You can't fully close the connection, however, because of the TCP RST
problem.  And the client SHOULD abort the request with a zero length
chunk, but I haven't got as far as testing any clients for that yet.

> >After transmitting the response entity and discovering that it 
> >didn't need the request entity after all, and it wasn't an 
> >error response, it's too late for the server to change the 
> >response headers: they are transmitted already.  The server 
> >will not have put Connection: close in the response header, 
> >unless that was requested by the client, or it was HTTP/1.0 
> >without keep-alive, or some other conditions applied.  So the 
> >server will transmit the response...
> >
> >And then it has to shut down the connection, right?  (All the 
> >while reading data from the client to avoid the TCP RST problem).
> A much better way to tranfer the data would be by using chunked transfers.
> Using trailers you can afterwards change the headers.

Do you trust any clients to honour trailers properly? :)

> The most obvious choice would be to close the connection and hope the user
> agent got the message correctly. Due to the fact that the user agent was
> unable to complete the request, this mgiht result in an error, despite
> receiving the entire response correctly. I don't have any experience with
> doing this.

Neither do I.  From RFC 2616, I think that a client _should_ display
an Error Status response correctly even if it is close-delimited, and
the (unidirectional) close reaches the client before the client has
finished transmitting.  It's clear that real web servers have to keep
reading at that point to make sure clients to eventually see the
error.  It's also clear that a client which doesn't keep monitoring
the stream for an error, i.e. tries to send an entire large request
first, won't look too impressive to its user: the server should always
be able to refuse a large upload, quickly.

> >> > If you have enough information to begin the response just from 
> >> > reading the request headers, then you are free to send the 
> >response 
> >> > headers right away; even the 1xx response is optional - 
> >you can skip 
> >> > right to sending the final response.  (Note: the rules of the 
> >> > protocol don't forbid this - what any given client will do 
> >with this 
> >> > is a different question that can be answered only with testing).
> >> 
> >> Yes.

No!  Section 8.2.3, about the origin server: "It MUST NOT perform the
requested method if it returns a final status code."  Here final
status code means without a preceding 100 (Continue), and with none of
the conditions for omitting 100 (such as already seeing some of the
request entity).

If it MUST NOT perform the requested method, that means it must be
sending an _error_ final status code, as a success code means that it
did perform the requested method.  Slightly round the houses logic I

This includes at least some, maybe all, of 3xx.  I.e. for the purpose
of section 8.2.3, 3xx responses are in the same category as 2xx

> The request headers will ALWAYS be followed by the entity body. There is no
> way of cancelling transfering the entity body, other than to close the TCP
> connection.

Yes, I've got that now.  It is not possible to ask the client to abort
the request entity while accepting a non-error response, only an error

> When analyzing the protocol, you can simply ignore the 100 reponse. With or
> without it, the results are exactly the same. It was rather developed to let
> a client wait a short while, so the server could return error when it didn't
> accepted the response for any reason, saving you from transmitting data.

My reading of 8.2.3 indicates a slight protocol implication: if the
server sees Expect: 100-continue, and sends a non-error response
(i.e. indicating it did perform the requested method) without a
preceding 100 Continue, and it sends the non-error status line
_before_ it receives any of the request entity, and it's a HTTP/1.1 or
greater request, then that server is not conforming with RFC 2616 8.2.3.

> >(Btw, any Transfer-Encoding indicates a request body, and 
> >"chunked" is required to be the last in the sequence of 
> >transfer-codings.  If Content-Type specifies 
> >"multipart/byteranges", that indicates a body, but I see 
> >nothing in RFC 2616 which indicates a body for any other 
> >multipart encoding.  Right?)
> See the MIME specification, I believe...

RFC 2616 section 4.3:

   The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the
   inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in
   the request's message-headers.

The existence of Content-Type without either of those two headers
would appear to not indicate a message-body.  Though section 4.4, part
4, offers multipart/byteranges without Content-Length and without
chunked, which logically implies Transfer-Encoding: identity, but
identity has been removed in the errata :)

Something is amiss...

> No, just ignore the 100 response when developing for HTTP/1.1. The server
> will always expect a entity body.

I'm writing the server ;)

> >  2. If the server sends an error response, without 100 (Continue) and
> >     without observing any request entity prior to sending the
> >     response, then it must not try to read another request for the
> >     same reason.  Is this correct?
> Same as above. Usually the connection will be closed to avoid receiving the
> unneeded entity body.

Yes, although you can't close the connection fully right away, because
the client will fail to see "in flight" response data.  Hence
lingering close etc.  And in theory, if the request is using chunked,
the client will use that zero length chunk instead of aborting the
connection...  (This makes chunked requests advantageous).  Then
again, how many clients transmit requests using chunked encoding?

> >  3. If the server sends a *non-error* response, after 100 (Continue),
> >     and before reading all of the request entity, it can assume the
> >     client will send all of the request entity or abort the 
> >connection.
> >
> >     In this case if the server doesn't want to read all of the
> >     request entity, because it knows the entity is large and there
> >     is no point transferring the remaining data, then after it has
> >     completely sent the response entity it should signal connection
> >     shutdown (i.e. TCP FIN, shutdown(SHUT_WR)), and continue reading
> >     for a while to prevent the TCP RST problem.
> >
> >     If the server does want to read all the request entity after it
> >     has started sending the respones, it can just do that and it
> >     should work.
> I don't know whether the request and response should be threated as an
> atomic piece. So an implementation might give an error, because it is unable
> to send the entire request.

It could be messy.  It'll need testing.

> >  4. If the server sends an *error* response, after 100 (Continue),
> >     and before reading all of the request entity, it must assume the
> >     client MAY prematurely abort transmitting the request entity
> >     either by closing the connection or transmitting a zero length
> >     chunk.
> I don't believe the transfer of data is aborted by a zero length chunk, when
> this is not the last one. More probably is the server closing the connection
> when it knows the client received all the data.

It's difficult to know when the client has received all the data so
that it's safe to close the connection...  A fair heuristic would be
wait for all ACKs for the data, then add a time limit for the client
application to read it from the client OS's TCP stack.  (If the
application doesn't read it soon enough, the request entity still
flowing to the server causes the server's closed socket to send RSTs
to the client OS, which then discards received data before the client
application can see it.)

> A 3xx (Redirection) indicates the server will not handle the response and
> will redirect it to another server. These is no point in this respect to
> transfer the data to the server and aborting the connection would seem the
> only logic one.

Sure, but what do actual client implementations do?  If the spec
_stated_ that 3xx responses are errors for the purpose of 8.2.2, fine.
But I don't see the language in the spec as indicating that at all

In my mind, some 3xx responses are informative.  Certainly, 302, 303
and 307 are often used by servers wishing to direct the client around
the URL space of theserver, e.g. to append "/" when a URL corresponds
to a directory, or as an alternative form of content negotiation.

In particular, 303 is supposed to be used after a *successful* POST,
which wants to redirect the client to follow it with a GET.  That's
not an error at all.

So they're not really *errors*.

Also you said there's no point transferring data.  Servers certainly
transfer some data with 302/303/307 responses: a small page telling
older clients that there's a redirection, with a link.  That page can
depend on the request entity, especially if it's a 303 in response to

Anyway I'll conservatively assumes clients treat 3xx like errors for the
purpose of 8.2.2 -- i.e. they may abort the request entity, so if the
server's application wants to read the request entity, it must delay
sending the status line until it's read all of the request.

At the same time, because 3xx aren't errors, I have to treat them like
2xx for the purpose of 8.2.3.

Fwiw, these are the rules my server now implements:

    - If the application asks for any of the request entity, send 100
      (if required by Expect: 100-continue or the PUT/POST rule).

    - If the application generates a 2xx status, and it hasn't sent
      100 yet, send it with the status (if required by....rule).  It
      is always sent, even if the application doesn't show any
      interest in the entity (because of 8.2.3).

    - If the application generates a 4xx/5xx status, and it hasn't
      asked for any of the request entity, send the error status
      without 100 and prevent the application from seeing any of the
      request entity.

    - If the application generates a 4xx/5xx and it does want the
      request entity, send 100 (if required by....rule), then read the
      entire request, and _then_ send the status line response
      (because of 8.2.2).

    - If the server application generates a 3xx, regardless of whether
      the application wants the request entity (because of 8.2.3) send
      100 (if required by....rule), then read the entire request,
      _then_ send the status line and response (because of 8.2.2, and the
      possibilities that clients might abort the request entity when
      they see a 3xx response).

The question of how to abort connections is another thorny one.  With
error responses, we want to close the connection after sending the
response and not reading the whole request but have to do so in a
careful way to be confident the client application sees the error.

With non-error 2xx responses (this is totally a guess based on how I
imagine some clients to be written), we might find that closing the
connection after sending the response and not yet having read the
whole request may lead clients to ignore the response, or to abort the
request.  So my conservative *guess* as to the right thing to do is to
send the status line as soon as possible (unlike for error responses),
but to refuse to send the close (for close-delimited) or zero chunk
(chunked) or final byte (content-length) until the all of the request
entity has been received.

That looks more complicated than necessary -- but is it?  Does anyone
have knowledge of how different well-known clients react to receiving a
whole response before all the request has been read?

-- Jamie

Received on Sunday, 14 March 2004 17:15:39 UTC