Re: PATCH thoughts...

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Lisa Dusseault wrote:

> So please voice your opinions on this issue to help me off this
> fence.  Should PATCH require support for one diff format, and if so,
> what?

Is there a diff format that accommodates all of these:
	- text patching with fuzzy offsets (like Larry Wall's patch)
	- binary patching based on offsets
	- patching not based on offsets

If yes, use it at a SHOULD level. If not, then it looks like it would
be a mistake to pick a "winner" at this time.

> Should it register MIME types for VCDiff and/or GDiff (ouch)?

Looks like out of PATCH scope to me. Can be done in a separate
document if needed.



Received on Thursday, 29 April 2004 14:13:56 UTC