Re: IPP> polling re: Upgrade and CONNECT support

Scott Lawrence wrote:
> I'm attempting to determine what features of HTTP specified by RFC
> 2817 (Upgrade header and CONNECT method support) have been implemented
> and tested with other implementations in order to discover whether or
> not the spec can be advanced to Draft Standard status.
> The RFC discusses these features in the context of upgrading to HTTP
> over TLS, because doing so was needed by IPP, so I expect that some
> features will have been done primarily in the HTTP used by IPP clients
> and servers. 
> However, the protocol features it describes are actually generic to
> any use of Upgrade and CONNECT.  The usage of CONNECT is (we believe)
> the same as that specified in the original Internet Draft by Ari
> Luotonen, which was never otherwise published as an RFC.
> If you are responsible for (or knowlegable regarding) a Client,
> Server, or Proxy that implements Upgrade and/or CONNECT support in
> some form, would you please take a moment to comment on its support of
> the specific features outlined below?  
> Replies to the list you're reading this on are fine - I'm on both.
> Responses sent to me off list will be treated as confidential
> information unless you specify otherwise - at most, the fact that an
> affirmative response was received from someone will be made known
> publicly, but neither the responder nor the implementation will be
> identified.

CUPS ( implements HTTP Upgrade for TLS on
the client and server ends.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 15:12:20 UTC