Re: Minutes, HTTP-WG 8, 10 Dec 1997

Fote wrote:
> 	I am puzzled by this statement.  In early drafts, there was
> no restriction on the scheme for CommentURLs.  For security reasons,
> the Lynx field test implementation limited them to server-based
> schemes (e.g., http(s), gopher, ftp, wais).  Subsequent drafts
> explicitly limited CommentURLs to http (and https by implication :)
> and the implementation in the recent Lynx v2.7.2 release so restricts
> them.  Isn't this a closed issue?

Yes, this is a closed issue; Dave Kristol pointed this out to me
shortly after the meeting, but that discussion did not make it
into the public minutes.
				Ted Hardie

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 10:04:57 UTC