Re: Connection Header

> The SESSION method would simply be a way to initiate a conversation with
> the nearest neighbor without performing some action on an object,
> and avoiding the message being forwarded downstream.  Note that this
> is different than what was originally proposed at the BOF -- the design
> changed due to the discussions we had there.
> The SESSION method does not, in and of itself, constitute a continuous
> connection, though it may include a Connection header which requests
> that option.  This is very similar to the NULL method used by SHEN,
> but applies only to the nearest neighbor.
> Would it help if we used a different name?  Any suggestions?

It might, since the main semantics don't seem to be that it has to do
with "sessions" but just that your neighbor does not forward it.

Some thoughts for a new name for a method with this semantics:

    Albert Lunde            

Received on Thursday, 22 December 1994 08:34:52 UTC