RE: draft-ietf-tls-http-upgrade reissued

> From: Julien Pierre

> I don't think users will waste their time filling forms
> if they are not ahead of
> time certain that it will be transmitted securely.

If they are that concerned about it, then they should not fill out
forms that were not delivered securely.  If the form was delivered
over an unsecured connection, it may have been modified in any
number of ways to subvert the apparent intent of the form.  Browsers
don't normally expose the ACTION attribute of a form - an attacker
may have changed that, or modified field names - the possibilities
are endless.  Encrypting one exchange in a multiple exchange
transaction is no security at all.

> The duplicate TCP port number issue is IMHO less of a
> problem because it is rare
> to exhaust all 2**16 possible TCP ports on a server.

The concern is with the well-known ports - a much much smaller

Scott Lawrence      Director of R & D        <>
Agranat Systems   Embedded Web Technology

Received on Thursday, 4 May 2000 15:32:24 UTC