Re: A broken browser

On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Gregory J. Woodhouse wrote:
> that I think about it, I just assumed that if the only
> acceptable media type had a quality factor of 0.000, the server would be
> required to return 406 Not Acceptable, but I don't see this spelled out. 

We talked about the meaning of q=0 a long time ago, but I don't see the
issue resolved in the mailing list archives or minutes.[1]

So, what should it be?  It's pretty obvious that a Web browser sending q=0
for text/html is broken and not really trying to say that it doesn't want
HTML.  (The funny thing is that this configuration reportedly is caused by
compiling Lynx on SGI with the optomization flag on.  I suppose you could
argue that a browser that won't accept HTML is very highly optomized
indeed.)  But there are cases where a browser would want to say it doesn't
want something -- say, I don't have a postscript printer, so don't send me
postscript.  Acknowledging that the Lynx bug is not a good example of the
need, I think saying q=0 SHOULD be interpreted as "this media type is not
acceptable" would be right.

However, I disagree that the spec simply doesn't spell this out but does
imply it (as you seem to suggest).  Section 3.9 says that q values merely
indicate relative preference, rather than absolute quality.  Under that
definition, q=0 would mean, "This is the least desirable media type of the
media types listed in the Accept header."  Therefore, I interpret the
current spec to say that a server is never required to send a 406 if the
client sends _any_ q value with an available media type in the Accept

In other words, the only time a 406 should appear is if the client sends an
Accept header without any listing of media types available to fulfill the
	- Browser sends Accept: text/html, image/gif
	- Server has image/jpeg only; responds with 406.
Since most browsers send '*/*' as part of the Accept header, 406's should
be extremely rare.

This interpretation is explicitly supported by the following, from the
current draft[2]:

--- begin ---

10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable [...]
  Note: HTTP/1.1 servers are allowed to return responses which are
  not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
  In some cases, this may even be preferable to sending a 406

--- end ---

I would suggest that section 3.9 be revised to say that q=0 SHOULD be
interpreted as an indication that the client does not want a response
entity of the indicated type.  Alternatively, the interpretation given
above could stand as long as it is made explicit that a media type not
listed in the Accept header would be unacceptable -- but that would
completely break any browser that doesn't send Accept headers.

Marc Hedlund <>

[1] Two archive references dealing with the issue: 


And the IETF minutes that hint that it may have been discussed:


[2] <>

Received on Wednesday, 1 January 1997 19:21:20 UTC